Building a Business Plan by Dr. Kerry Johnson How to create a business plan to increase your business by 80% in 8 weeks. Building a Business Plan for Financial Advisors by Dr. Kerry Johnson When the stock market investment climate...Full Description
Length: 9:40
Building a Business Plan by Dr. Kerry Johnson
How to create a business plan to increase your business by 80% in 8 weeks.
Building a Business Plan for Financial Advisors by Dr. Kerry Johnson When the stock market investment climate is full steam all you have to do is answer the phone. But as Warren Buffet once said, “A rising tide raises all ships, a falling tide exposes those who are swimming naked.” Today you have to sell, often when times get tough.
Those who don’t look at insurance and financial investments as a career, move on to an easier sell. Unless you think of your business as a career, you’ll never make much money at it.